security office in Luka's pizzeria

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my superpower is the power of wanking


I saw this on an unknown cam

Sonic: oh cool the room i was looking for. *Goes in*

Officer: *SCREAM*

Sonic: Don't worry buddy, its your favorite friendly blue hedgehog.

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Oh look, a guard! *tries to kill him unsuccesfully because he can't deal phisical damage but provokes a ventilation error*

e- some text turned orange- why-

bob's breaks into the pizzeria and take's springfoxy*

Corrupted foxy *lock Security Office doors*

Spring foxy: why are you doing this now?

Corrupted foxy: I want to do it few more times before the battle Royale Friday.

Spring foxy: fine if it makes you not complaining about it Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

Spring foxy: *relax it's in Security office*

Corrupted foxy: look what I got!

Spring foxy: You got another ritual knife?

Corrupted foxy: yeah and this one is extra fancy too.

Spring foxy: oh what fun. *sarcastic*

(Just sits in office because I have NOTHING to do)

*sits in silence*