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The amazing Digital Circus X Supra mayrio wrold1!1!!1!1😨😨

sally voiced revealed to me and like

she got a cool voice despite the trans thing !!!!!!!!

and yet-

ok thats cool n all but do u be having full conversations speaking in bfdi humor with ur chum ???

didnt think so.

900 Just in 3 Months??? Thanks1!!1!1

Guys I was Forced to be in a Maid Outfit (Help) pls dont make Fun of me :((((((

i love bfdi too, bestie!!!!!

"Have some choccy milk!!!!!!!!! :3333333333"

Yo Fellas Report @/super Yeet Man he Said N Word

It happened again. Another war started on my fireside. Fucking hell. Why can't my firesides always be peaceful and fun and not fucking ww2 battleground in its currently people getting murdered. Like this is the second time.