All Posts in Project Tommy: Dead by Daylight

ok i know this place looks crappy but bear with me, im tryin.

i decided to put dan w. quinn's streets of cairo (the mysterious house version) in my game as my character (Tommy) is singing it.

Princess Quest AU: In the game we see Glitchtrap, but yet the main charecter is a familiar charecter from the legend of zelda, breath of the wild

told you

join my discord

drink PUNCH!

#FazbearFanverse so about scott's iniative. i can or cannot participate due to my game being on roblox. Sorry! -Tommy

Yeah, cinematic posters aren't enough in this situation.


I made a trailer, ignore the watermark.

Here's a teaser for my upcoming game's thing lol

I randomly decided to remove one charecter and put another one on my roster. Her name starts with an R, she's a wolf, put your hands together for, Roxie!