Game Development in An Epic Community by Mr. Glasgow

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Glasgow's 1 Definitive Edition

glasgows boxing match guys
glasgow fights mike tyson

if i played G2 Classic, i would want my money back even if i didnt pay for it
also stuff is going well so thats cool, almost completely functional but artistically incomplete so yay

Procrastination is so cool guys its awesome

so close to finishing the main gameplay but the code is like a puzzle now

im not good at solving puzzles

Anger mangagement classes are available today 100% no scam

"Oh boy i cant wait to work on the G2 recode and finish the AI"
-Me, whos going to procrastinate the entire day and do nothing

Although, Organ was finished and SG is kinda working
He doesnt move but pieces of him function sorta

hooray only two or three characters left to program in this funky place including the very special gentleman and the gambling addict

Making new spam tabs for the VIRUS, ones that serve more purpose, consequence, balancing, and making them less ass in general.

Hey, three more characters are programmed now, and that's epic.