Memes in Playtime with Percy

Y'know what? Fuck it. One more comic now because I feel energized and bored.

Here's a meme. I don't feel like doing any more comics for a lil while.

First time making a pwp comic. (I tried basing it off those weird SpongeBob comic's)

I've yet to get the money deposited and now I see a Elderly trying to deposit on a ATM
[I have to go beyond my crimes it seems]
(No matter what I will have the percy)
The last thing the cop sees after saying I have the right to be silence
(He saw my totally understandable crimes)
[I'm getting the Percy plush if it kills me]
<it's going to kill him>
Me after the Walmart employee saw what I did (I'll blame it on the homeless man)
What the bank teller sees after telling me I can't deposit 30 bucks
(He saw what I did to the homeless man)
[He's about to join him]
Me after seeing a homeless man trying to grab 3 robot poodles (I know he'd eat metal any day of the week)
The last thing the homeless man sees after I saw him get 3 10 dollar bills
(It's going for a good cause)