announcements in Red The Prime Hedgehog512 Official Comunnity

Share your creations!
I got a Discord now.
User: MarxfromKirby#4555
Milo Vs. Evil Milo 2 Part 5 was so disappointing...........for me.
My 16th Birthday is arriving in 2 weeks, and i have a special surprise to show you all, if you wanna know what it is, Subscribe to my YT Channel!
Since then, i wanna know, what do you guys like from me? I'll read your comments!
Guys, i remaind you my Fanart Contest will be done in a few weeks, so, i'm still waiting
Everyone! Remember you have until June 16th to make your Red 16th Birthday Fanart!

There's only left 3 Main Redesigns to finish, but they are complicated.
2 days has passed and i don't understand why i haven't get any fanarts :(

Alright guys, since My 16th Birthday is coming, I'm opening a Fanart Contest for my OCs! (Ft. Hazrie's OCs)
Heya guys, just came to show you some of My OCs redesigns i made so far! (Ft. @HTH345 's OCs),
Ready to see them?