Gacha_memes in Gachamv

Share your creations!

lets make that two more latter after this one i forgot to change Ivy to a kid well what ever


so i also made this hehe enjoy!


ok i made this the music cut out sorry enjoy also it's the bow bow bow meme


Ok here it is!


all i have to say is pika pika


ok i made a video i liked this meme for a while so i made it and yeah i forgot to add a SS so i just put the picture uh enjoy! i failed at adding a photo so look in the article!


ok so i made a video and this pretty much happened today cause i found out my friend said i would make a good ship with a boy i new so i ran and found her and yelled Im gonna kill you! yeah im really weird😐😑


ok so i made a part to for the im sick of you thing uh sorry i cant do much editing with the app a use the other one i can edit with wont save as the right file so uh yeah enjoy!


ok im trying to post a video everyday but i couldn't yesterday so i made one today its a bit sad and i don't know why i used my irl Oc and my Oc but what ever!


ok so i made another video hope you enjoy! sorry if its kinda weird i didn't know what to make so i found this meme and i decided to make it and yeah!