All Posts in RetroMation

Talk About Private Animation Game!

i've had literal dreams of playing Retronimation i think this says that i have problems

what is retromation

is it a spiritual succsessor?

can be a tester please let me have a copy

Name changed to Retromation

so is rock a fire remake getting a realese date

What do you guys think If the arcane crash in 1983 never happened would cecppt and spp sill be separate companies?

what do you think the rockafire explosion would look like if CEC took over? also what do you showbiz would look like if it was still around and had not merged with CEC?

I’m very surprised that yellowboy decided to leak a PRIVATE game just for some stupid game what was his plan? Did he not have space on his computer? Yellowboy if you see this please tell me what happened at your side of leaking rr before and after this-