news update's and more in Robot jones's maze official

Victim One

the new RJM 2 Update is out

ya i update it and the full one is in my DeviantArt

so you all want the robot catalogue so bad well just read it

ho look at it i doing (yes i doing it on scratch flip off)

Happy New Year all and don't worry the show will be still in the making we have to take our time okay it be out on....I don't know if like all the episodes are done. I don't know. I know shows take a long time so keep a lookout. just all Happy New Year

okay we have one idea it is so bad and I have to [not joking] full on no and here it is and why we do not go far of the idea

we have a wiki again. yes we had a wiki before it got removed so I have put it back up

we Wishes You A Merry Christmas and yes we made one ship's canon

ho he- wait N what you get here. ho well he go die still