All Posts in Shut-Eye

Share your creations!

Late as usual, here is the teaser for remastered Coma Freddy lol (tagged incorrectly, should have been creations, sorry!)

Oh yeah, this is late as crap but whatever. Happy one-year birthday to this game. Speaking of, I need soundtrack producers lol.

At school rn, I plan on dropping some teasers of the new Coma Freddy model later today. If anyone wants, I can do a development stream for some behind the scenes looks.

(modeling rooms is annoying send help)

Where I've been...

You may have noticed a lack of updates for a while and most probably believe that this game is dead. It is not. I have spent that time remastering the assets to get you guys an amazing experience.

Thank you for your patience.


There is now a Community for Shut-Eye!