news in Swissball Community

Share anything you would want to! don't be shy :D

I need some ideas for a fan made TARDIS name since I came with is

T.ime A.nd S.pace T.raveller


Post your ideas in the comments

I got an idea for scp-6000(if it's even gonna exist)where 6000s main ai gets transfered into a human body keeping abilities such as :[spoilers] and not keeping abilities such as : [spoilers]. And to travel through time he creates something like the TARDIS

My brain manager to recall a youtuber I watched a long time ago

Finally, art about scp-6000. Couldn't draw his whole body so I made his "way back home from 2022 AD time machine"

Scp-6000 is basically just tony stark and Jarvis

After myself mentioning how I cant model a pc prop I got the idea to make the security monitor for SNaF on the table and be a flat screen monitor

I had the most cruelest night mare today....

My phone is now low on storage and I had to deinstall discord, so I won't be active on there till I get my pc

This video is the DEFINITION of sadness.

He wasn't even worried for himself, he was worried he'd be a burden for his mom.


Imma just say something.