Sam news ig in Sam diner Show

pog images also hi jajajdasjvsagewaefyrey

drugs arent i wrong ( i hate next month )

need to paused the game cuz the coder is busy working on his project so yall need to wait sorry

For 20 followers in sdr 1 here is a sneak peek of this

What the fuck 20 followers at sdr 1 peak

Sam diner remaked discord server [epic]

Yall can join now

(Fixing the problem of the server lmao)

The art is 100% now done its coder turn

Rip for him

heya yall while i was working the rooms and the arts i had a idea to make the map big cuz the place is small so i will add and new people joining to be in the game

-new two people to the game (they are only on full version

thats all

The team is voice acting

In the demo rn

Only ones who are voicing for the gameover


-happy girl

Bad news guys we won't do minigames on the demo version sorry....

Yall gotta wait in till the full version is out sorry..

Heya almost done with map for the demo! Just work on the stuff I haven't be done

So stay till if I an done the coder will start coding