Skrakcore in Skraksona hub

Tell us YOUR skraksona!

Ok sooo

ss!chara is still a minor and even 2 minors cant fuck

Same goes for ralsei

We never really talked abt the others

The siblings thing is fair

Just because people do it doesnt mean its RIGHT???

we never said that???

oh i was just here to pick up a skrakake and go back home


Yall do NOT get house pics but do you like my skrizza and skerry coke

Made it skrakcore!

If β€œold skrak” mean basically you but 6 months ago hell yeah im all for it skrak

Because you didnt do any of the generally weird and gross things as the β€œold skrak”

Also them not leaving is so skrakcore

hhey guis... look at cool checklist.. i made a CHECKLIST to tell if ur skrakkat!!!

Skrakattie x DrSKRAKTRO yuri !!!

Is this skrakcore ,,