random in Slendytubbies
Share your creations!
Happy April fools day guys... idk I don't celebrate it.
Anyway Here's another ST: Obscure Rage update https://www.mediafire.com/file/bpt69cq2fjx5qxf/Slendytubbies+Obs…
Another boss rush ft. @apixelthingwithblackeyes
I met @apixelthingwithblackeyes on a boss rush! These days I'm meeting fellow gamejolters
Slendytubbies 3: Redemption DLC
Game by @CrisQP
(maybe he these should put the pictures when selecting the maps)
The pictures were made to test my editing skills. What do you think?
After joining gamejolt I feel like I'm the one posting the most about Slendytubbies and stuff. (Along with @ulises4543) because sometimes I just post 5 or 6 posts in the Slendytubbies community