Fan Character Art 🌟 in Sonic Fan Characters πŸ’«

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Forgot to post these here, but some doodles of some ocs I got.

Can you tell I like purple?

This is a more recent drawing of my own fc, Void.

Last of this little magic trio I drew for Ebeta2! This is Rouxlette the Kitsune, she’s a master of all things luck based and card related. I’m pretty sure she has the most fun out of the three

This was a gift for my friend, ebeta2! This is actually one of 3 characters who are part of a team of magicians

This is Mana, she specializes in Tarot and fortune telling

i will post the other two soon!

Vox but he is the smallest and angriest ever

Another kinda old one. Sonic channel style piece for Vox!