gifs in Speed Racer

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Some friends were looking at an article about learning to deal with annoying traits in others.

I was like: "I hope this teaches me how to deal with my own annoying traits! Ahahaha!"

Neither of them laughed. They had the straightest faces I've ever seen.

"KB, you're an artist, so you would never resort to using stock images for a new community, right?"



Don't worry everyone, Game Jolt will be safe! I'm calling in Team MONKE:

Y'all, this is what I feel like right now trying to learn new stuff as I'm animating this gif:

Thanks for all of the good wishes lately, everyone! <3 Glad to have been here for 12 years now!

In celebration, I think it's time I tell you one of my greatest secrets. You see, I

So... It's Star Wars Day. I know what you're all wondering. "Does KniteBlargh have a Star Wars themed Speed Racer gif?" Don't worry, fam, I've got you covered.

Hold on to your seat, Grandpa! I'm determined to catch up with my notifications!