I'm really bored. So imma do this. If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask about me, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them to the best of my ability! =D

-I am no longer accepting beta testers. Thank you to those who have applied. And the rest of you, the game should be coming in about a week. ;)-

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 progress update

The demo for my new game is out. Please enjoy.

Hey guys, I need some advice. What should I do for my next game? Release the demo, then the full game later on, updating the page, or wait for a little bit, and get the full game at once? Completely up to U. And either way... I think you'll like the game.

Β  31 votes Voting finished

I am looking for a female voice actor for an upcoming game. Details below.


There's an evil dorito under your bed. Hisname si jErOmE. You have 3days to like this post orhe'll poop on U. yOu'Ve BeEn WaRnEd.

Zorro, Done and done (I drew this in a rush excuse Issues)

Welcome to the The Misfit League! A PLACE OF FUN/CHAOS WITH PARTIES THAT NEVER END AND A HOST THAT NEVER DIES! Although this place does have rules, here are all the rules: No NSFW, SPAMMING, blaming, rudeness, don't give HARSH opinions , NO CURSING if so Censor it or you will be banned

@Bendy_Cipher666 owner
Report A community for about 4 years