The Chat in Sub Terror Collection Community

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Guys I not posting anything o my phone because it got corrupted again and i trying to do a backup but i will be back

I will be out of gamejolt if i am online is because i doing a quest sorry

Guys I found someone who is pretending to be me and is also stealing my work I want everyone to report it Guys I found someone who is pretending to be me and is also stealing my work I want everyone to report it for not crediting

I did it I beat The 12/20 I Fucking Did it (: Reburned and Reopened Custom nights is Done

I finally beat the Night 8 i need to retry because when i was suffering on sunday challenge i accidentally clicked on new game i need to beat all Five nights and Know i got Night 8 archivement next is Max power time archiviment

Finally I beat This Hell I Finally did it.I Going to rest after this Victory

I Remade Tim,Tot,Tat on Scratch

Sub wonder if he can get a Jolly Swap AU He deserves?

  9 votes Voting finished

I Think will do The New TGF Stigmas models (Alphas)


Flaming Face (Light Jolly)

Deformed Meat (Deformed Jaws)

Two Faces (Sinistilce)

Dismangletion (Dismangled/Sirapusa)

Splat Accident (Gorekill/Roadkill

Virusinvade (Cadinvade/404-Invade)

I returned to play this and i used no clip and i got on this two rooms well some scratchers has request characters execpt me because i din't have a gamejolt account ):