announcements in The Kirby Genius Headquarters

Post what you want here as long as it follows the rules!

No promises just yet, but...

Something might be returning soon.

I have returned from my trip! It was quite fun to be with my aunt and uncle for a while. I am bummed me and my sister have to go, but hey. It’s be good to be back.

Hi, everyone. Hope you’re doing well. :)

Please read the article below, as I have something I’d like to say.

Happy 4th of July!

After a few days, he has returned.

The new TKG model is done (for now)! I might make some more tweaks, or even make a hooded version in the future, but for now, here he is!

To anyone who has seen and/or liked my TKG and Alicia models, please read this. It is very important:…

Happy New Year, everybody! Well, at least for my time zone. But, still. Happy New Year! 🎆 🎆 🎆

Guess who's the birthday boy today?