artwork in The Kirby Genius Headquarters

Post what you want here as long as it follows the rules!

The Merciless Mercenary

"I'm hanging on to the other side!"

(Song: Undefeatable from Sonic Frontiers)

When it grows bright, the particles start to marvel, having made it through the night.

Never they ponder, weather electric, calming if you look at it right.

(Song: The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical)

I cosplayed a Sky: CotL character just to make this.

The cape was a pain in the ss please send help.

I think these two tomboys would make good friends.

A Dark and Stormy Night

Nice to be the odd ones out sometimes, ain't it?

Yes I can fly too and this is how I do it.

The Doppelganger Duo and all their evil glory

Okay, this has to be one of my favorite villain OCs I have created. Say hello to Nyla, or as she prefers to be called; Miseriae.