Game News in The Retrocality Community

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(4/4 ⛓⛓⛓) Prismarine will have features like:

-Saving and Loading! (Definitely!)

-Individual Tile control! (Definitely!)

-A custom Programming Language!? (Maybe)

-Importing your own custom Tiles! (Definitely!)

-Half slabs! (Maybe)

All in all, It'll be

(3/4 ⛓⛓⛓) Now, I've been working on a Tile Engine for Retrocality called "Prismarine" (Full Name "Pristalmaerinisio"). And so far it's in Alpha 1.0. A few People will test it and give me feedback on it, so I can make quality-of-life changes or bugfix.

(2/4 ⛓⛓⛓) I also have A LOT more to tell you all about! So, you might be wondering about the "S I N G U L A R I T Y" Trophy. And let me tell you, It's going to be one of the most specific Trophies ever. But that's something to find out in Tinker News!

(1/4 ⛓⛓⛓) So! Just wanted to correct some things about the new Trophies. Some of the Trophies require things involving Enemies in order to Achieve them. But uh... Enemies won't be in Part 2... So some of these Trophies will only be Achievable in Part 3.

RetroRoulette Code 1.2 comes out at 6PM!

Made an Update to the RetroRoulette Code. It's now version 1.1!

I did not make a Retrocality Spin-off that's published right now! (DON'T look at the game side bar)

Tile engine is done! Now onto the text engine and then FINALLY. RT 1.0.0. Will be Released this Week. (After bugfixes and Playtesting ETC.)

Welp, Just published the late Thanksgiving special. Time to finish Retrocality. Once and for all.

Thanks to @2_Square_Studios I've actually become motivated to work on Retrocality and Finish it! And I have News!