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coming soon

the 2nd DEMO ia OUT

compared to the other demo, this one is WAY different, and, it is VERY better

now, the battle system has been changed(similar to undertale one(too similar tbh))

the menu is now organized


and much more ^^

(+ on reply)

this is a completly shit

just for information

"fafa" is a "thing" my friend Dingas adopted as her pet in internet, and she asked to me, to make a game about this "thing"

demo launched!

i hope you like it! a lot of bugs were fixed, and a lot of things changed!

(P.S. the image of the post is in the game! try to find it c; )

hope you like it!

and dont forget to post a review!

Broken minds remake Demo is almost done

i changed some things, like:

-a mirror in map that have an event of showing a pov

-a public telephone, that you can actually call someone

-and some other secrets

-the game is extended a little

thats it!


it should be it for now, lets make this game a reallity

i had a friend of mine helping with the music, and yes, the music of the game will be increased in quality ^^

anyways, thank you for staying with me ^^

its finished

what do you guys think about the promo art?

so, i actually updated the group website, at least now its better, i even added a few more things, and its now the GROUP site, not DEVLING site...

i added a forum too, with achievements and some space to post stuff :D

check it out!


the game has been ended, and finally its completed!

thanks to everyone that helped me! if there is any bugs, tell me!

and thats it! thanks again, and i think i see you in the next game, bye bye!

How is it going everyone?

i am now uploading the FINAL update to broken minds, that adds the alternative ending, that in my vision, turns out that it became very dark~

so, just wait and see!(it didnt became so big, but the ending is worth the try!
