All Posts in GameJolt Theory


10/31/2020 #damagedtheory

10/31/2020. #damagedtheory


....................... its just a teaser little for an upcoming event. you can theorize if ya want.

matpat is an orphan

but hey, thats just a theory, A GAY THEORY, thanks for reading… idk why i did this but yeah. slap this in the description also subscribe.

hello.. can someone give me the logo of the community? i m m a k i n g i t. btw i will still be the scott, the og gamejolt theory scott, just gonna do some theorys now and then.

but, that's just a theory.


since i canceled the story im gonna say how the endings would have gone

alot of people will be sad and @the_gaming_creeper will be kinda mad. i have to cancel the story due to some... reasons... i hyped you guys so much with the teasers.. sorry to disappoint you guys