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Ubuntu 22.10 arm64 with gnome running on Android

Ubuntu 22.10 arm64 with X11 running on Android (so fast)

Did you know that Ubuntu touch (13.10 very early beta) repositories still works

Ubuntu touch 13.10 (beta) running on Android (It is a full Ubuntu Touch 13.10 with Unity8, QT QML and other but work only shell)

I have progress of making GLaDOS in Python, it have cores that can be connected or disconnected and powerfull AI

Now i making GLaDOS in Python 3.9.

Debian 9.0 armhf running on Android

Ubuntu 18.04 i686 running on Android (It is not arm64 or armhf, it is x86 Ubuntu running on arm Android, work fast)

Debian 11 armhf running on Android

Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS armhf with xfce4. Looks so weird