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i think before i chart contumelious im gonna release the (currently unfinished) funkin goobers V1

my birthday is coming up after all, (February 2)

All 4 songs have been charted

Now, the sprites

Hi guys

Almost all 4 songs have been charted, so that’s heavy progress

I just need add the backgrounds, the sprites, and a whole lot more ;w;

This is so goober


I think I need to make this clear

when I said apex, axiom, and any character here in this mod are banned from marathons, I mean it.

The only exceptions are contrary 4 and a potential finale

Other than that, they only have strict perm bound fantrack perms

ok sooooo

A lot of stuff has changed and the mod will try to make progress as much as possible

New icon…. Again

Chat, be honest with me, which design looks better?

  7 votes Voting finished

IM A GOOFY GOOBER 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔊🔊🔊🔊

goofy goobers