All Posts in The Lame Idiots
lol should I actually block him for 24 hours and be a dick for no reason
Β 6 votes Voting finished
i'm gonna post nsfw
like an actual warning
i wARnEd yOu gUYs
Β 13 votes Voting finished
iF yOu pOSt nsFw iN gEnERaL
i mAY haVe tO bAn yOU fOR 24 hoURs
Well, you little bitch...
if you would just take a look at this motherfucking
Corrupted Cupcaker.
He is an anomaly, and now has been shunned out to live in the swamps.
You're probably wondering why I named my fan community "The Lame Idiots"
it's because if you follow me
you are a lame idiot
like me :)
but that is good
because if you are too smart
then you can not use logics