All Posts in Hell

post something i don’t care

haha random photo go brrr

#MyGOTY (s) in article


plasma pulse 68-100

i think i'll beat this as a new hardest, MAYBE (it might not even be harder than wl)

had my 7 year old cousin in the room so no audio, you'd just be listening to 5s of stereo madness over and over if i had my mic on

im so tired

hohoho merry christmas

Christmas is upon us, we must not be on the naughty list my comrades

car, but drawing

car, but it can drive


Oh fuck, I have a gamejolt account I forgot

In 40 days, bloodlust will have surpassed Sonic waves record of longest standing level on the demon list

january 4th, 2025, everyone, mark your calendars