All Posts in Mari’s Picnic Basket!! 🧺

god why are you still here

she’s literally just like me

oh my god oh my god oh my god suntan reel?

somewhat detailed drawing of kel that definitely doesn't have the burgers on my mind lyrics behind him

silly little screenshots I took 🤯

smug kel 🤯


SPOLIERS!! a silly lil heromari edit (repost!!)

omori artbook pages bcuz I want it sm (SUNFLOWER WARNING)

just a silly little sunflower reel 🥰🥰

guys.. babi kel got orang jo

he says thanc yu to @mrcheesecakegd and @Icycactus

join "omori people🤯" for mor orang jo for babi kel!


go join my community and I will give babie kel orang jo👍