closet in the black hat manor 🎩

s-share your thoughts to black hat

day 13: i'm growing impatient, i guess i should reveal our location

day 11/12: why is nothing interesting happening? should i reveal our location?

day 10: i have considered sex as a no go, for now...

day 9: no one else STILL has found us, i'm possibly thinking of having sex with my bf, i may do, my not, who knows?

day 8: someone found my secret room, luckily it was tom <3 the only reason he found it was because i told him where the door was, god, he's so sexy, he always insists im talking to a mirror, i aint no matt am i now? will keep updating. tom = real sexy ngl

day 7: 1 week, 1 week has amassed since ive been put in this closet, i nave no intentions to leave this side room. its only a matter of time untill someone finds me. untill then, i'll keep updating this journal i have, its only a matter of time...

day 6: its been (just under)1 week since i entered this closet, i've taken refuge in a room extending from the closet. seems like someone was here before me, i'll have to make-do with whats in here

day 4/5: has no-one seriously checked the closet? i guess not

day 3: after quickly making some rounds of the place, doing some sus stuff, ive become accustomed to the layout of this establishment, my only reasonable way of getting out is by... doing more sus stuff... either that or someone finds me

day 2: only one person has found of my existance, lets hope they dont reveal my location