closet in the black hat manor 🎩

s-share your thoughts to black hat

day 26/27: 30 days remain(26). 29 days remain(27)

day 25: 31 days remain

day 23/24: lets play a game, you tell me how many day's are left

day 22: 34 days till midnight

day 21: 5 weeks remain till midnight

day 19/20: 37 days till midnight(day 19) 36 days till midnight(day 20)

day 18: 38 days till midnight (the wedding)

day 17: 39 days left

day 16: 40 days remain... 40 days remain untill the wedding

day 14/15: 1t h4s b3en 2 w3eks s1nc3 1 5t4rt3d r3c0rd1ng th3s3 l0gs, 1 4m st4rt1ng t0 l0s3 my m1nd