All Posts in The Backrooms: Boredom

Share your exploration, Wanderers =(

Something you could imagine if you feel like you’re in a dream in Backrooms.. =(

Imagine if Backrooms had a Level called “Blackhole,” and I doubt nobody able to go there =(

Would you trusted Swap Partypoopers for only if you see them in Backrooms? =) [This is just an AU]

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It's really true that neither of Partygoers can frown in Backrooms =(

“Does Backrooms had life? Does Backrooms means anything? =l”

RIP, St. Patrick’s Day just past. .-.

Do you trust them, Partygoers? Or you rather trusted the friendly entities? =)

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Ok, my opinion about Level 6 is just pure evil. I think this level just devoid in total darkness and you can’t see nothing, but just pitch dark and creepy =(

Do you trust drinking almond water or drinking water in Backrooms? =(

Would you trust to headed to levels in Backrooms all by yourself alone? =(

  19 votes Voting finished