Backrooms Stories / Levels in The Backrooms: Boredom

Share your exploration, Wanderers =(

Well, I expected that there's Christmas Level for Backrooms, and its level is: 299. =(

The chapters for Backrooms: AfterSad AU is coming soon, so not sure if I going to continue it or not. =(

Usually Backrooms Levels are randomized as it depends which exits you take =(

"Level 52 is always a safest level in Backrooms, and its home for all Partypoopers."

Level 3999 is actually the true ending of the Backrooms =(

Could tell that Level Fun is mostly not that popular those days =/

Level Fun is literally usually for Partygoers to hang out =(

I think by far that I know the safest level in Backrooms is: The Promised Lands =(

Imagine if Backrooms Level Fun has changed to Level happy face instead, what will your reaction be by then? Very interesting to see what your reaction be like =)

Let Swap Partypoopers give some FUN to Level -52, and be MORE intelligent than before =)