customboss in the bis battlegrounds

Starlowart (or starlow art)
Level:66 HP:1111 ATK:111
Gives 3333 COINS if you win

Charles the Greatest Pilot and Helicopter
Level:69 HP:1200 ATK:120
Gives 3669 COINS if you win

Master Gamejolt Monster
Level:68 HP:1500 ATK:104
Gives 3600 COINS and 4 candy stickers if you win

Giant Gamejolt Monster
Level:60 HP:1250 ATK:78
Gives 3200 COINS and 3 candy stickers if you win

Bigger Monster
Level:40 HP:1050 ATK:52
Gives 2500 COINS and 2 candy stickers if you win

Champion Gamejolt Monster
Level:80 HP:1800 ATK:126
Gives 4000 COINS and 5 candy stickers.

Gamejolt Monster
Level:30 HP:800 ATK:26
Gives 2000 COINS and a free candy sticker on your latest post if you win...

Usalina. (from gacha club)
Level:55 HP:2000 ATK:30
Gives 3000 COINS if you win

Corrupted Bella! (from gacha club)
Level:70 HP:1600 ATK:100
Gives 3650 COINS if you win

Girl Bowser (Looks lazy)
Level:43 HP:1610 ATK:60
Gives 2250 COINS if you win