announcements from blueberry in Blueberry's Mansion remade

Beta Bembee is approaching your house quickly

my cat pepe has completely gone back to the time where he constantly tried to steal my food so thats awesome /s

imma change my discord pfp to week blueberry 16 header jeriel because i made him look so stupid and now it kinda looks like pfp material i think lol

the jam king got my aj account....

he mght get me next, hopefully not

btw uhh expect the "hi gj" posts to be like 10 mins later than the ones on middle school

high school for me ends at 14:10 now (mid. school was 14:00)

also no early friday posts, friday also has 7 hours now as opposed to 6 in mid. school

uhh i have a new cat called nemo and uhh

he looks like jello

my mom literally described him as "jello coming back", so ye

were trying to get one of his legs to work properly because he got hit by a car so the paw has like, barely any nerves at all i think

also im not gonna return to this site until school starts again due to jellos death


hey guys soooooooooo

theres a chance that i might have to quit all forms of social media

my father is fucking trying to get my privacy revoked, isnt that just fucking amazing

this is literally a groundbreaking discovery g uys

helo guys, it is i

multicorn bampi