News in Conner Gamer's Community

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I have learned how to use CTFAK!

Now I can decompile games that where not made with clickteam fusion 2.5+!

I have decompiled Luntik X For All Times but it has not been released.

Since @Mich-2018 's Mutiplayer Project is sadly canceled😞, I would try to mod the orignal luntik x mutiplayer, but the source code was removed, so If anyone has it, please send it in the comments.

EN: I'm Working on a New Luntik X Fangame. If you want to see what's it's about, go to the article.

RU: Я работаю над новой фанатской игрой Лунтик X. Если хотите узнать, о чем она, перейдите в статью.

BTW, The Fixed build will take time to make because of other projects I would like to work on besides the paradox fixed build. Just wanted to let you guys know.

EN: Super Good News! (Read Article.)

RU: Супер хорошие новости! (Читать статью.)

Fun Fact: I cutout & animate sprites using scratch, I'm not joking!

1st Image: Original, 2nd Image: Scratch Cutout.

Original Sprite by @Russian_Timer .

The Demo Version is out now! (its kind of short sadly) but the full version is coming soon!