All Posts in The Game PLaZa.

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✨Happy doggo✨

look at that smile :>

Sooo I'm playing dialtown also me and bagman is outside of the funfair because.....E G G :}

...yeah that's why

✨Aubergine approved :>✨

the general is currently on vacation...

....y e s :)

I have a lot of game projects


Doggo m a d :]

....good thing i didn't talk because i sound realllllly tired :/

l e t m e i n or no door anymore ^_^

I'm playing dialtown again and i was kicked out of the city....also i found this house :/

Idk what to type lol

Also here's a dog :P


it's b e a u t i f u l :']

btw the name idea was from @eerp