Updatez in Epic's Gallery

type something in already idfk

I’m starting to think that TADC is one of my new obsessions besides MCSM.

I’m streaming on discord, just so you know.

I didn’t quit, I’m just not gonna be able to stream on here because of the removal of firesides. Hope you understand :)

Wait, THEY’RE BACK?????????

Update: Nvm, they’re down.

(ART ISN’T MINE, IT BELONGS TO JOEHUH02 ON YT) Hey there! Here’s an update just in case people thought that I was gone.

Well, It looks like firesides are truly gonna be burnin’ out at the time of writing this.

I’m just waiting for the page to say “Page Not Found 404” tbh.

Please join, this is my last fireside before they go away.


When you think about it, 8 days before firesides become extinct from this website is kind of scary but at the same time beneficial.

Happy birthday, @ELMONKEYBOI ! Sorry for being late :>

I’M BACK!!!1!1!1!!!