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eua 2 DEMO.


Hi, friends.


Hi, friends.

Development on eua 2 is going well. I will not share much, as there is some cool new stuff I don't want to spoil. The demo will likely release sometime this month.

It will feature one NEW piece of music I have made.

Farewell for now.

Hi, friends.

Should I release a playable demo featuring everything up to the first boss once it is completed?


Hi, friends.

I apologise for the inactivity. I have recently become suicidal again, so I will resume working on the game to have some purpose (works every time).

Thank you for your patience.

Hi, friends.

I have begun work on the eua 2 OST. It is by no means good, however I will improve as time passes. You may listen to 3 tracks I have chosen to publish. Please enjoy.

eua 2 OST preview
A preview of the wonderful OST of eua 2. The video contains the following tracks:GRANDEuRMy LifeUmbra

Hi, friends.

You will be able to visit Glaggleland in eua 2!

Hi, friends.

I have added a combo dial script, similar to the one in LISA or FNAFB. I took it from the internet (credit to Yanfly). Fonsi will be able to sing out the four syllables of DESPACITO, resulting in various skills.

I think its pretty cool.

i have made more progress in the last week than the last 2 months, lol...