Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Can’t wait to finished the rest of my FNAF remakes of FanArts, but they might take a while to finished, so I don’t know..

A very fun, fun.. PARTY, we wanted to share to all of you, so joined us for fun, it won’t hurt to come to Level Fun =)

Uh, there’s a funniest thing I seen is: Chris or Evan Afton wanted to punched him right at his face for hitting him on purpose

Also don’t think it’s funny because it’s literally a joke

* any suggestions?

*Frisk wondered what to do right now, and since wanted to try draw something new for everyone to see it, but it’ll be later

*Frisk always feel determination, and never gives up as knowing the posting will always encourage to don’t give up

*Help, I literally can't stop.. wait.. what was I going to say, again? Aren't Partygoers are dangerous entity? But aren't they aware of my existence? Maybe =)

*Seeing another.. Partygoers will drive me insane.. but why there's so many Partygoers on here???