Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

More fun will increase intelligence to every single Swap Partypoopers during Swap Fun Wars =)

What do you all think if there’s movie for all Indie games?

* Is there another chance that your determination will be there to keep you safe? Maybe

Should I a-added more polls or more Little Nightmares posts?? (Comment down below)

* Never give up your hopes and dreams

Imagine.. the our Level 2012 has some peace and quiet without.. Partygoers invaded there, would it be better? It could’ve =(

PartyPoopers should had more respect on their article, they had try their best..

* Is Frisk actually overreacting?

* Or did.. Frisk talking to herself, again?

*It's just odd.. that everything seems so quiet though, and it felt like.. liminal spaces around the posts, again, it is like it's so empty =/

* …