Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Backrooms is always infinite, and never ends forever, but goes on forever =(

Ok, that's not what I expected from the poll I just made for Backrooms AU's names, but let's try that, again, but BETTER. =(

FNAF Fun Fact: Screams and Laughter are from the actual children! (Shocked!!)

Random thought: Nightmare Animatronics are scary, right? But what about twisted ones? I can’t see why they looked terrifying

Made a lot of changes throughout my posts, can you guess the reason for it?

Nomes are the best actually, they usually can be hugged by instantly, and will f-follow you everywhere you go (Spoiler Alert, if you haven’t try the game at all)

I had a lot of doubt that I was wishing for if Little Nightmares III will come out for a release, and hope for if Little Nightmares II turned into a movie ^^

I can’t wait to finished the rest of FNAF PixelArt, but I think I was going to finished Bonnie at first..

No parties will intervene in Level 2012!

* For all your efforts from your support!