Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Imagine walking down in hallways in Backrooms, and you got noclipped to another Level. What do you think what level you might ended up to? =(

What's your best reaction if Little Nightmares II had movie? *Note: Imagine if it exist. ^^

Answer: Comment down below of what your reaction would be about if it actually happened. ^^

Trusting William will lead you to consequences of your own actions

* Facts about junk food in Undertale

Your favorite Little Nightmares 2 character?

Comment down below if you had any ^.^

Who’s your best FNAF Animatronic Character in FNAF 1?

Comment down below ^.^

In FNAF Movie:

When William says: "I always come back."

Reality: He doesn't come back.

There’s like a lot of Wars in Backrooms for sure, right? I’m not kidding at all =(

Little Nightmares DLC can be that scary, right?

A lot of chaos is possible can happened in Backrooms for sure =(