Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Five Nights at Freddy’s also short as.. FNAF..

Noclipping is just a random thought, but also a ability in Backrooms =(

Imagine Backrooms doesn’t exist in reality, or.. does it? Hmmm.. interesting =(

Backrooms x Little Nightmares 2, wish this can happened?

Something you could imagine if you feel like you’re in a dream in Backrooms.. =(

“Does Backrooms had life? Does Backrooms means anything? =l”

William is always comes back.. no matter what he does

I doubt that Partygoers still think that they could.. bring back the Fun War, again, but well, it’s not going to happen, again =(

"We better not have another Fun War because it'll be really annoying if that happened, AGAIN."

What’s worst that can happened in Backrooms if you do use weapons against entities? Well, you’ll need up You Cheated for cheating the system =(