Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Very Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares had similar backstory..

Five Nights at Freddy’s also short as.. FNAF..

Noclipping is just a random thought, but also a ability in Backrooms =(

Imagine Backrooms doesn’t exist in reality, or.. does it? Hmmm.. interesting =(

Backrooms x Little Nightmares 2, wish this can happened?

Something you could imagine if you feel like you’re in a dream in Backrooms.. =(

“Does Backrooms had life? Does Backrooms means anything? =l”

William is always comes back.. no matter what he does

I doubt that Partygoers still think that they could.. bring back the Fun War, again, but well, it’s not going to happen, again =(

"We better not have another Fun War because it'll be really annoying if that happened, AGAIN."