Questions in Fairy Kingdom of King Froggold II

Post something on the FKoKFII subject

anybody noticed that Phantom's jumpscare in FNwFroggy 3 was from Five Nights at Chuck e Cheese's

p o v your dum

how long did it take to make the jumpscares?

какую игрушку вы считаете самой милой?

Почему Пять Ночей С Фрогги 4 запланирована на 2023-2024 год ?

How does the mechanism *exactly* operate? Does Dominic need to control the toys with a device at all times or can they operate with free will?

Are Crocco (plush) and Cheburashka actually going to appear in FNwF 4 (were they once also Froggold II's toys) or is their first appearance in FNwF 2?

Will Cheburashka have english voice clips?

Can't you just add fnwf 3 the demo version?

Как Фрогольд реагировал на свою Тёщю бегущая за Фрогги ?

(Вопрос по игре Фрогги против Тёщи)