Questions in Fairy Kingdom of King Froggold II

Post something on the FKoKFII subject
This my last post I hope fnwfroggys 4.0.11 and fnwfroggys 3 2.0 gonna came out I'm sorry for spamming and say... goodbye

i have been waiting for 6 days, and the media kit still hasn't been updated. when will it update? @GlebKapustin (sorry for ping)
EDIT 1: ok i didn't not expect this to get popular.
EDIT 2: this post is now outdated, gleb finally updated the media kit
Hello Gleb, could you make the fnwf 2 cursor downloadable so I can use it on my computer? if you can please answer me
Did Cheburashka get english voice clips?
why can you add dominic sorkistos call in extras after all it is the hard one to get
Глеб Пять Ночей С Фрогги 4 реально отменено или эта была шутка???

quem é essa boneca
Shale I make all the characters made of clay?
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