game-announcements in Five Nights at Orange Man's Official Community


FNAOM Games so far ig-

New Update's Out.

Nvm guys.

I guess Night 2 wasn't broken at all.

You all can still go play it. ^^"

Maybe try redownloading it just in case.

(Also, DONOT share your Game Token if you're going to record it. :skull:)

Alright, guys.

The Major Update (aka the Trophy Update) has been updated.

Y'all can go ahead and play it now. ;)

Hang on tight, everyone.

A bug was found. We're gonna try to fix it.

But hey, atleast the trophys work. :P

Hey everyone, we've finally released the final and latest update to fnaom 1 reopened (IDC if I say fnaom 1).

FNAOM Remastered's 3rd Anniversary is today! Lel.

(Happy Anniversary, FNAOM R)-

Also, expect something BIG today or tomorrow. :)


Yo, FNAOM is getting it's own Roblox Game.

Five Nights at Orange Man's: RP World.