Alright, guys.

The Major Update (aka the Trophy Update) has been updated.

Y'all can go ahead and play it now. ;)

Hang on tight, everyone.

A bug was found. We're gonna try to fix it.

But hey, atleast the trophys work. :P

Hey everyone, we've finally released the final and latest update to fnaom 1 reopened (IDC if I say fnaom 1).

FNAOM Remastered's 3rd Anniversary is today! Lel.

(Happy Anniversary, FNAOM R)-

Also, expect something BIG today or tomorrow. :)


Yo guys sorry, Polar forgot to change the page to Early Access.

Now y'all can go and play the April Fools one ig.

FNAOM 2: Welcome Back is on a pause cuz we gotta focus on the Trophy Update (Major Update) for the 1st game ig.

Hey guys look! ... A News Update!

Don't worry, people. The Trophy Update wasn't cancelled or scrapped, it was just put on Hiatus due to PolarOfficial had to do his school work.

But now that he just started his summer vacation, it's back to work. :eyes:

No, the game is NOT dead.

We're actually still working on it.

(KINDA slow progress, but we're trying our best to make this game one of the best).

Welcome to the Five Nights at Orange Man's Official Community!

You can do whatever you want around here, just try to respect the rules-

1. Don't abuse people.

2. Post things on right channels.

3. No NSFW or Rule 34 Stuff.

4. No bringing up drama that was already over.

5. Don't ask to be in the game as an easter egg or secret character, it's annoying.

6. Do not ask to be a Collaborator.

7. If you're underage, say bye bye.

8. You can swear, but NO SAYING THE N-WORD (Unless you're one of our friends).

Now Enjoy! :)

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