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Hello! This is the official FNP Gamejolt Community. May Hame be with you all who have joned this community and if you haven't, then I will make you.


No racism, homphobia, transphobia or disrespect to anyone in this community.

No NSFW content of any kind.

No spamming in this community without the developers' permission, off-topic content or content that is in the wrong channel.

No leaked content. Leaking is already a massive problem in the Friday Night Funkin' community and we don't want that here.

Don't cause any unecessary controversy because it only makes things worse. If there is any, handle it correctly and don't bring in a massive hate group to ruin someone else's life.

Don't encourage self harm/ suicide.

No harassment.

And lastly, have common sense and follow gamejolt's rules and guidelines.

I love hamer (I am being held at gun point by him right now)

Report A community for over 1 year