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I've decided to archive every channel that isn't now or before.
The real Question is what happed to the hunters from 5
Kevin the cube might return due of the seven as Galactus and Kevin have tried to harvest the power of the zero point as so the Polar Peak monster in chapter one tried to but we know what power it has due to the robot used it to defeat the monster.
Thanks for letting me get mod!
hello i am agent jones my purpose is the save the reality the 7th june the event is here
please add me in fortnite my name fortnite is KFR gogeto212
guys the new season is so cool best season and my name
fortnite is KFR gogeto212
For a limited time, you can play the Zero Crisis Finale event as an LTM.
Cause you may ask?
Servers Crashing during the event.
Chapter 2 Season 6 XP Rates:
Common - 2.2K
Uncommon - 22K
Rare - 12.5K
Epic - 24K
Legendary - 35k (Stage 1)
Legendary - 24.5K (Stage 2-5)
Chapter 2 Season 6 Epic Quest Styles. (Requires Battle Pass) (SPOILER WARNING 4)